2022 Sep 16 - 00:00 / DFT
New RTG Delivery for Dublin Ferryport Terminals
Dublin Ferryport Terminals (DFT) took delivery of 5 new Electric environmentally friendly semi automated Rubber Tyred Gantries (RTG’s) in Dublin Port. The RTG’s were delivered ex the 24,000 tonne M/v AAL Kobe in Dublin Port. Two of the RTG’s arrived fully assembled and ready to be placed on the new RTG stack developed over the last 8 months and will now be commissioned over the next few weeks. 3 RTG’s will be assembled on site at DFT and will be ready for use in Q1/2023. This is all part of our expansion plan increasing the capacity of DFT.
#dft #rtg #kalmar # dublinport #greenrtg #icgterminals #icg